Thursday, January 31, 2008

The winds at the east coast after the annual turbulence

WOO!!! It's been a relaxing time ever since after the dae of 28th Jan 2008!!!
I have been slacking off like nobody's business! Gotta plan to do more exciting stuff b4 the holidaes end again...

Did play some street football on tuesday... ran like i never ran in my life before & i did manage to score a single goal***(Thay Koh!!!)!

& i caught up wif Yong & JJ again ever since the revolution period... for JOHN RAMBO!!! makes me very inspired!!! Muz wait for Joel to chio us go watch movie nxt time!!! It's cheaper... haha!!! cheapo me.... Muwahaha!!!

& finally todae was the 1st time in 3 or 4 weeks tat i did play tennis... my serve still sucks, BUT!!! i can still play quite alrite for my standard... Hope carvin improve faster den he can trash me! which can onli make me stronger!!! haha!!! MAD MAN!!!!

& 1 more finally!!!! i need to recommend peeps to check out DAWN YEOH's Website!!! she is beri PRETTY!!!! ( )

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