Thursday, November 8, 2007


Lalala.... Happi Deepavali to ALL!!!

Wootz wad a busy week... maybe it's a lazy me.... haha!!! three daes juz zoomed past liddat!

hmmm... looking forward to playing tennis this fridae wif Carvin!!!
Den gotta start doing some revision b4 da test week... & that guitar session wif ah yong... gonna try to prise his guitar away from him... heh heh heh....

yesterdae was a little shocking for me... coz i failed a assignment for my gems... went home quite emo... 1st thing tis morning, something inspired me to go jogging or rather test training...

Gotta get rid of all da negative tots in my head.... gonna fill me up wif happiness!!!

Quote of the dae: It's never too late to start changing...

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